Mar... it suits you! Cut the hair ! Do the things that feel good !! <3

I recently realized I have been far too passive in my healing for the past ~? months and it's partially due to terrible therapy experiences but also I've been burying myself a little and numbing and sub/consciously forgetting. I realized when I cried at the last ep. of Russian Doll 2 {semi-spoiler !!} when Nora says "if you could choose me to be your mom, would you choose me again?" The day prior was my year anniversary of cutting ties with my mum. This was the first time I'd cried about it in the whole year since that transpired. I don't think I'd choose a different mum, despite it all. I am DELIGHTING IN and living vicariously through your and Katie's relationship. I'm so glad you're visiting her. We see her in Boston 6/24 for St. Cloud (postponed 3x !) and I couldn't be more excited. She's my wife's favorite and a close second for me (after Julien Baker ofc for my sad bitch bipolar self). Lot's of love! It's all practice -- it has to be.

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Loved this Marlee! I am working on taking things one day at a time, soaking in the summer months in NYC, paying attention to the bursting trees and billowy fragrant flowers. I am working on releasing compare & despair and self judgment. I am working on letting go of expectations.

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Been thinking a lot about how we all translating time and habit as it moves through us, bringing this perspective with me to each interaction and simultaneously seeing everybody as their baby innocence. also started quilting for the first time in my life and am slowly finding my quilting community! bless up

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Currently working on writing theory for an archaeology thesis, as well as learning faunal analysis. Delighting in potting new plants and tending to them. I love soil so much more this year. What I am discovering about my practice(s) is how much I love the Earth for its ecological and geological processes. I am discovering how much it makes sense that I am where I belong at nearly 30 years old. It rings so true with everything I put my energy into.

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I’ve been plugging away at a novel since this time in 2020 and I’m taking stock. I want to keep going because in a way writing it is an exorcism of a story I’ve had in me for a long time. But I’m different now, for many reasons, and I’m having a hard time deciding which way to go...

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I got an eclipse crisis phone call an hour ago and then i read this, a mirror!!

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