
On my TO READ list :

On Writing by Stephen King

I’ve been listening to Seth Godin’s book This is Marketing and I am not sure I love it but I keep listening

I do listen to Jenna Kutcher’s podcast Goal Digger to get pumped on email lists 🙃 Sort of wish there was a gay punk version of this :) Could see my new podcast going this direction

I am reading Living Debt Free by Shannon Lee Simmons and so far I really like it

Modality wise I have been practicing counting : where you just write all your incoming and outcoming money each day in a note pad

I also get a lot of intuitive business inspiration and knowledge from Holisticism

And I am trying to remember to take 2 days off of any meetings and work :)

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Books-wise I commissioned and edited a business book by a British entrepreneur Nafisa Bakkar, it's called:'How to Make Money: An Honest Guide to Going from an Idea to a Six-Figure Business'

Money: A User's Guide by Laura Whateley is also excellent, but possibly applicable more to a UK reader.

In terms of creative/business overlap I find thecreativeindependent.com very useful!

Always keen to read more though, esp. podcasts as I'm breastfeeding.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

When I got obsessed with working my money stuff (it worked! I made a lot of money the year after but then went back to my usual struggling artist bs - story for another time) I started by listening to the audiobook and then reading You're a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero and I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi. I was also really into TBM at the time and did the Money workshop a few times. It was very helpful.

I follow The Nerdletter by Paco de León and have been listening to their podcast lately. I'm also a big fan of The Twelfth House and Moonbeaming podcasts and they have some good episodes about the money stuff.

On my day-to-day I try to do a monthly financial review on my bullet journal (using super simple sections: I have, I owe, I will receive, I might receive, I want) and have a money tracker app on my phone which I try to check and categorise properly as often as possible.

On an energetic level, I find that every time I make a move the universe listens and sends money my way (even if it might not be in the way I expect), so I'm trying to be a bit more proactive in making moves instead of waiting until I'm in the reds to get going. Still in training!

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I broke up with "business" for a while and as I've found my way back I've been mindful of thinking outside the box and not buying into capitalist structures. Bear Herbert's Marketing for Weirdo's course was very timely for me.

Tools wise I use Notion for ideation & project planning and Apples Numbers for budgets.

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I love the book "Proposals for a Feminine Economy" from Sister! A beautiful book with lots and lots of good stuff about rethinking business inside

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

I like listening to Natalia Benson for Astrology-informed business tools and tips, and Ksenia of the WEB8 podcast for inspiring me to think and create in different ways.

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I’m currently reading Money Magic by Jessie Karnatz. She does a great job of articulating the work of healing money stories in the midst of the challenges of privilege, oppression and capitalist culture. Her emphasis on honoring my nervous system as I work through the book also sits well with me. And she’s just smart.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

How do you know to ask exactly what I need 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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I have no idea if this comment will reach anyone a few months after this edition of Monday Monday has been published, but I feel compelled to share that when I found myself thinking about money tonight, I turned to this community for some resources by doing a little keyword search of the newsletter, and boy, did y’all deliver. I’m so grateful for the suggestions shared here and have much reading and listening ahead of me to work on my relationship with money. I’m newish to Monday Monday and have found it so valuable, in ways I both anticipated and by which I have been pleasantly surprised. Is this comment incredibly dorky? Maybe! Keepin. It. Real. :)

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Thank you for previously recommending the Overcoming Underearning book and the Off the Grid podcast and Holisticism, Marlee, all were/are so helpful. I have Finance for the People by Paco de Leon on my to read pile (as well as a bunch of finance books I got from Goodwill -- not sure if that means they're awesome and the previous owners didn't need them anymore, or they stink and the previous owners heaved them in a fit of pique.

I've read The Art of Money by Bari Tessler twice and it was good for me. I use the Tiller budgeting app, which is a google sheet spreadsheet. I've been using it for almost a year and I do it and I look at it but have not yet dived deeper into planning my money, or even predicting it much. (I'm really really looking forward to reading everyone else's comments here.)

I like the Financial Feminist podcast.

I do a lot of journaling around being allowed to take money and being allowed to take care of myself financially, so I guess my other money tool is "cheap spiral notebooks" which is what I do my morning pages in.

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This is my first time in the Friday threads! I'm happy to be here and am feeling curious and inspired by all of your sharing. PLAN - notebooks/google docs

VISION - notebooks, Google docs, conversations, off the grid podcast, home--body podcast and pop up pod (all brought to my ears from this newsletter! Thanks!). Oh, I also went to the master class you recommended on reimagining the future while enjoying your present life omgomg turning my dial towards pleasure hello yes.

BUDGET - I do a Google spreadsheet once or twice to get a sense. My current habit is kinda winging it within my means (general sense of what $$s come in and go out for all necessary expenses w a small pile of surplus money going to joy, trips, education, & Roth IRA).

IDEATE - I'm about to join this community called never done before to flex and grow my facilitation skills in nerdy community which I'm really excited about - found it thru the workshops work podcast. I'm curious about using Notion as a support system to scaffold myself into some more discipline.

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Favorite money resources:


Ramits I will teach you to be rich

The simple path to wealth

The soul of money


Money with Katie

The financial feminist

Ramits podcast

Girls that invest


Money with Katie’s wealth planner

Copilot for budget tracking

Ramits conscious spending plan (free)

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